Legislation Updates

Migration Legislation Tracker

A single source about the status of pieces of legislation, Bills, commencement dates, disallowances, etc

Visa pre‑application registration charge

The new regulations "prescribe an amount of charge for registration as a registered participant in a visa pre‑application process conducted under subsection 46C(1) of the Migration Act 1958 ... in relation to a Subclass 462 (Work and Holiday) visa"

Amendment (subclass 462 visa) Regulations

The new regulations "introduce a requirement that to make a valid application for a Subclass 462 (Work and Holiday) visa, applicants who hold a passport issued by a specified foreign country must have been..."

Case Law Updates

Balance of convenience and ss 46A(2) and 198

Federal Court. The Applicant, an unauthorised maritime arrival, made a request for Ministerial intervention under s 46A(2) of the Migration Act 1958 (Cth). Before determining that request, the Applicant was told that he would be removed from Australia. In an application for interlocutory injunction to restrain his removal, did the balance of convenience favour the respondents because removal would frustrate the duty under s 198?

Do model litigant rules constrain AAT’s powers?

Federal Court (Full Court). Is the Minister's compliance with the model litigant obligations a constraint on the exercise by the Tribunal of its powers? Can a change to a foreshadowed hearing procedure "give rise to procedural unfairness where the affected person does not have the chance to object to the change"?

Criterion 5001 a mandatory relevant consideration?

Federal Court. In the context of cancellation under s 501(3) of the Migration Act 1958 (Cth), was the consequence brought about by cl 5001 of Schedule 5 to the Migration Regulations 1994 (Cth) a mandatory relevant consideration, whether or not the Applicant made claims bearing on the latter provision?

Industry Updates

Increased Tribunal fees

Tribunal application fees will increase from 1 July 2024 as follows...

Did para 8.3(4)(f) require consideration of child’s own views of removal...

Federal Court. Can it be said that, as the Applicant did not raise with the Tribunal his age or health as relevant were he to be removed from Australia, par 9.2(1)(a) of Direction 90 did not require the Tribunal to take those matters into account, as that provision only required such matters to be taken into account 'where relevant'? Did para 8.3(4)(f) of Direction 90 require the decision-maker to have regard to a child’s own expression of the importance to him or her of the non-citizen seeking review of a decision affecting his or her visa, instead of only considering the evidence of adults as to the adverse impact?

Can unauthorised maritime arrivals apply for visas?

Can an "unauthorised maritime arrival" apply for any type of visa while in Australia? Is the answer determined by s 48 of the Migration Act 1958 (Cth)?

Media Updates

Increased flexibility for international students to support supermarkets

The Federal government has recently announced as follows: "Today the Morrison Government has announced that supermarkets in States and Territories subject to COVID-19 lockdowns...

Can non-compliance with social distancing lead to cancellation?

"I will also say a very clear message to those backpackers who may not be adhering to the social distancing rules... [Y]ou will be breaching your visa condition and if we find that out, we will be kicking you out of the country". We discuss whether non-compliance with social distancing rules can in fact lead to a breach of a visa condition and ultimately the cancellation of a working holiday, work and holiday or other visas.

Some students able to work more than 40 hrs / fortnight

"Australia’s major supermarkets will temporarily be able to offer more hours to international student employees to help keep shelves stocked". It will be interesting to see whether this measure is extended to other industries until the situation is normalised.

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