
Migration Law Updates was founded in September 2018 and rapidly became the migration advice profession’s leading newsletter in Australia. We publish an average of over 500 updates per year, with timely, in-depth news and analysis beyond copy & paste of public content. Our focus is on legislative changes and case law, although we also publish some industry and media updates.

We are the only newsletter in Australia which publishes detailed summaries of immigration case law very shortly after they are handed down, going well beyond the mere the copying of catchwords offered by competitors. We publish an average of almost 1 case law summary per business day, which is not matched by any other newsletters.

Although it would be impossible to summarise all the thousands of migration decisions handed down in Australia every year, we identify and summarise most of the relevant decisions of the High Court of Australia and Federal Court of Australia and some decisions of the Federal Circuit Court of Australia, the Administrative Appeals Tribunal and the Office of the Migration Agents Registration Authority.

Email us at info@migrationlawupdates.com.au

Our editor and publisher is barrister Sergio Zanotti Stagliorio.