FOI: Capstone Exam pass rate

131 candidates sat the Capstone Exam between July 2018 and February 2019. Pass rate: 12.97%. Fail rate: 87.03%.

Solicitor and RMA Mark Northam (MARN 1175508) lodged a Freedom of Information Request to the OMARA which included the following passage:

For each offering of the Migration Agents Capstone Exam since July 2018: 

1) The total number of people who sat the exam and the total number of people who received a passing score on the exam. We are not seeking any information about the names of the people who sat the exam or their individual scores …

The following table was provided in response to the above passage:

Disclaimer: the above is a mere extract of an FOI request and its response. The views there expressed might not reflect the views of the Department, the AAT or the courts. The law or policies might have changed between the writing and reading of this article. The author of this article and Migration Law Updates disclaim any liability for any action (or omission) on their part based on any information provided (or not provided) in this article and are under no obligation to keep the general public nor practitioners informed about the matters discussed in this article or any other matters, or any future changes to any of those matters. It is the responsibility of each practitioner to obtain access to primary sources of law and policy by themselves and to carry out their own research and come to their own conclusions on legislation, case law, policies and more. This article is not intended for the general public.

Sergio Zanotti Stagliorio is a Registered Migration Agent (MARN 1461003). He is the owner of Target Migration in Sydney. He can be reached at

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